Never washing your tights. Becky Barnicoat / BuzzFeed 1. Your skin gets all scaly and dry as soon as the cold weather sets in. 2. If you rub your skin, dust rises from it in little clouds. 3. So you plaster yourself in moisturiser, and then your body is kind of greasy and clammy. 4. Your lips go all dry and flakey. 5....
If you’ve been a scary vampire for far too many Halloweens, maybe it’s time to play it up a little. Sure, you might have already bought yourself a costume. But if you haven’t yet, here are some of the most ridiculous outfits we’ve seen so far: 1. Fidget Spinner Costume | Target 2. Tighty Whitey Rapper Costume milanoo | ebay 3. Swedish...
e all know LeBron James is a beast on the court. The four-time MVP and two-time Olympic gold winning former Rookie of the Year (yes, the guy literally has more sports titles than the Kardashians have sisters) absolutely dominates when he's on the basketball court, which is why he is one of the most dominant sports figures in history. But did you know...
People Are Fascinated By Donald Trump’s Reaction To This Little Trick-Or-Treater Dressed As A Dinosaur
October 31, 2017
he White House hosted a Halloween Party on the South Lawn Monday. It was filled with decorations, candy, kids in costumes, and very odd interactions... for Donald Trump, that is. The President, who had already body-shamed children during another Halloween event, reverted to his awkward ways when confronted by a very strange sight. It was a kid dressed in an inflatable T-Rex suit....
They just couldn’t see your genius. "Meatloaf and meatloaf." "I would do anything for love, but I wouldn’t wear this costume again." —karynm4c1f91432 "Gilly from Saturday Night Live." "Everyone just thought I was Annie." —taylorroseb2 "Chicken Strip." "Hilarious in my mind, awkward in execution." —brittanym4b63ffc37 "The 'Lit' Kimoji'." "I was called a Christmas Tree the whole night." —jessicav450eaff08 "Holy...
This Student’s Unique Halloween Jack-O-Lantern Went Viral After He Hilariously Bent the Rules
October 31, 2017
ollege dorm halls are unique places. Hundreds of 18-year-olds are living away from their parents for the first time and learning how to exist outside the bubbles of their hometowns. People are sharing bathrooms. People are learning about Bob Marley. People are watching Pulp Fiction. Students are lining their bunk walls with posters of both of the aforementioned things. People are cooking ramen...
This Girl Clapped Back at Her Exes by Dressing up as the Scariest Thing She Could Think of for Halloween — Commitment
October 31, 2017
This Die-Hard ‘Game of Thrones’ Fan Transformed Her Wheelchair Into an Incredible Iron Throne for Halloween
October 31, 2017
This Professor Helped His Student Ask Someone Out On A Date And Now People Are Taking Notes
October 31, 2017
“Ethos, logos and pathos you say?” Jake Moreno is a 22-year-old student at Salt Lake Community College in Utah. Last week, he asked his philosophy of religion professor, Shannon Atkinson, to help him draft a text message to a girl he wanted to take out on a date. Jake Moreno Moreno told BuzzFeed News his professor is a “very funny, very charming guy.”...