Every ‘Bob’s Burgers’ Thanksgiving Episode, Ranked

November 17, 2022

Bob's Burgers Thanksgiving

It is finally November. That means Black Friday and Thanksgiving are almost here. Most of the Thanksgiving media out there is about going home to your awkward family that you don’t really like. There is one show, however, that puts out a great Thanksgiving-themed episode every year: Bob’s Burgers.

I love Bob’s Burgers for many reasons, one of them being how they handle Thanksgiving. The titular character Bob loves Thanksgiving. It is a day that combines his two biggest loves: his family and cooking. It is a day that he can go crazy with new flavors and cooking methods that he doesn’t have time to do during the rest of the year. Since it is Bob’s Burgers, it doesn’t always work out for him but we love to watch the ride along the way. Let’s rank all the Bob’s Burgers Thanksgiving episodes (even though they are all great).

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