Trump’s New Super PAC Name Is Exactly as Bad as You Thought It Would Be

October 05, 2021

Donald Trump hugs a US flag and yells

Disgraced former President Donald Trump continues to bilk money out of his mindless supporters by raising funds for the 2024 presidential campaign. Trump has yet to announce whether or not he’s actually running, but that hasn’t stopped him from filling his coffers with campaign donations. Yesterday, he announced a new super PAC, titled “Make America Great Again, Again.”

Yup. That’s the best he could do: MAGAA. I guess it makes sense from a manufacturing standpoint, as the sweatshops he employs to make his merch now just has to add an extra “A” to their pre-existing MAGA apparel. But from an advertising standpoint, this is a deeply terrible slogan.

The rebrand is allegedly a way to distance Trump from former confidante Corey Lewandowski, who was accused of sexual misconduct. But since when have accusations of sexual misconduct ever pre-empted someone from holding influence in Trump’s world? Lewandowski is currently in charge of Trump’s PAC, “Make America Great Again Action,” and apparently cannot be removed. As a result, Trump is transferring funds to his new super PAC to cut Lewandowski out.

Still, “Make America Great Again, Again” is a ridiculous name, and folks on social media were quick to rip it to shreds:

Truly, there is no better slogan that epitomizes Trump than “Make America Great Again, Again.” Why? Because it’s as vacuous and illogical, and it is ultimately an unintentional self-own. We would expect nothing less from a failed steak salesman who couldn’t even turn a profit with a casino in Atlantic City. The slogan smirks of try-hard failure and pedaling the same garbage to his lemmings.

It’s also a reminder that our very best copywriters are Democrats.

(image: Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

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The post Trump’s New Super PAC Name Is Exactly as Bad as You Thought It Would Be first appeared on The Mary Sue.

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