Isabel Rock Sends Shocking Message of Gratitude to Audrey Roloff

October 29, 2021

The hatchet has officially been buried.

And not in anyone's back, either.

In a statement very few Little People, Big World fans could have been coming, Isabel Rock spoke in glowing terms this week of Audrey Rolof... her sister-in-law, and someone we thought she pretty much hated.

audrey and isabel split

As you very likely know by now, both women are expecting to give birth over the next month or so.

"So this is it. The final days for you and me only four weeks behind,” Isabel captioned a photo of the pair holding their baby bumps.

“Thank you, Audrey for answering my MANY questions regarding pregnancy. Never turning me down, always giving me your heart. Can’t wait for these two to be buds.

"You give birth soon, and then it’s my turn. Love you."

Audrey is due in November with her third child, as she and husband Jeremy are parents to a son named Bode and daughter named Ember.

Isabel is due in December with her first child, as she and husband Jacob confirmed the blessed news in late July -- just a few weeks after Audrey and Jeremy did the same.

It makes sense that the mothers-to-be would bond over their shared status, of course, and yet:

Jacob seemingly hurled shade at Audrey just a few days ago.

“Don’t do or promote MLM bulls--t," Jacob cautioned social followers on Monday.

In this context, MLM was a reference to to multilevel marketing schemes, which are also known as pyramid schemes and which is an acronym for a business that tries to turn customers into lower-level employees.

The idea is that sales reps get commissions on sales, although they often incur serious financial risk and fall into major debt as well.

Where does Audrey Roloff fall into this?

She occasionally uses her Instagram and her platform to promote and sell Young Living products, prompting many observers to believe Jacob was trashing his sister-in-law with his post.

And it wouldn't have been the first time he or his wife did so, either.

Back in January, for example, Audrey made a general comment about how folks should be "slower to speak" on certain topics, almost definitely talking about the insurrection against the U.S. Capitol at the time.

Audrey continued to promote her book in the wake of this stunning attack at the time, resulting in an apparent rebuke from Isabel.

Most notably, there were the Black Lives Matter protests in the summer of 2020.

In response to this unrest and the killing of George Floyd, Audrey quoted the bible and, well... that was it.

She wrote:

"If you are also struggling to figure what God requires of you in this moment, remember the words from Micah 6:8. DO justice. Love kindness. And walk HUMBLY with your God."

Jacob, for his part, took part in many protests and rallies and laid into Audrey for spewing cliches and just sitting behnd her computer, writing that he had many issues with:

"White people with moneyed cameras and moneyed families using black music, black message, black faces, to spread police propaganda and white Christian voices while contributing nothing to the movement, no call to donation, no call to action; only empty gestures and fancy platitudes."

Empty gestures and fancy platitudes.

Jacob didn't cite Audrey by name, but he might as well have, you know?

That was back then, though, we guess.

All these months later and two pregnancies later, things have clearly changed.

At least between Isabel and Audrey.

We look forward to both women giving birth and we send them our best wishes for a healthy delivery.

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