Married At First Sight Recap: Memory Lane And A Dirty Secret

October 28, 2021

Last night’s episode of Married At First Sight  reveals many secrets. Just when you thought that the newlyweds were at a point where they could be honest with one another, everything changes. At this point, nothing surprises me with this group anymore. I have learned to only expect the unexpected with them. Who else is going to be on the edge of their seat on decision day?

With less than two weeks until decision day, things get very tense for some couples. The newlyweds revisit their pasts in order to discover more about one another. When a secret is revealed within one couple, it threatens to ruin their marriage and future. Let’s get straight into the recap!

Bao & Johnny

After returning from the couple’s trip, things are still tense between Johnny and Bao. Despite their issues, they both are very open when they discuss their childhood memories. I was very surprised by how much I learned about Johnny’s background during this exercise. In a post interview, he reflects on how his parent’s affected him.  Bao takes Johnny to the area where she grew up. Although, a house no longer sits on the land, she still remembers everything. She associates a lot of grief and shame with her childhood, so this task is very emotional. It is in her letter to her younger self that she reveals a lot about her feelings. It’s crazy how although they both have had trauma as children, they both view marriage differently because of it. This experience was good for both of them. Johnny even realizes he may have going about things totally wrong with Bao.

Dr. Pepper Schwartz catches up with Johnny and Bao. Things go left when he shares he had a conversation with his wife’s best friend. Apparently her friend said some unflattering things about Bao and her past relationships. Okay, this is a lot. First of all, this is totally inappropriate, especially since Bao seems to be finding out for the first time. Second, hopefully this woman is no longer her friend. She clearly doesn’t have her best interest at heart to be secretly talking to her husband and bashing her. I am really starting to dislike Johnny. I find his methods of communication to be slightly abusive. It’s like he holds these smoking guns that he reveals in a heartless way when he speaks to the experts. Bao, ditch this guy ASAP. Naturally, Bao feels extremely betrayed by both her friend and Johnny.  Initially, I thought Johnny was a nice guy, but he just seems extremely immature and mean. Run, Bao!

Michaela & Zack

Michaela and Zack are still not speaking after the disastrous couple’s retreat. Honestly, after her display of crazy, I can’t blame him. They meet with Dr. Pepper in an effort to figure out how to move forward. For the first time, Michaela explains how Zack walking out triggers her abandonment issues. It’s great to see her be vulnerable, but it may be a little too late. It’s obvious he is beyond fed up with her nonsense. I wish she would stop exploding when she is hurt and just explain things in a calm manner. In his defense, he told her several times he wasn’t going to leave without her and she told him to go. It wasn’t until he decided to take her at her word that she spiraled out of control. I think watching these episodes will be beneficial for her to see how others view her during these moments. She isn’t being completely honest and ultimately he decides to end the conversation.  At this point, it has happened so many times he has lost all hope. I totally understand how her father’s death has caused her to have some issues.  But she has to work through them to have healthy relationships.

After the last meeting, Zack requests to have a “closure” meeting. Dr. Pepper facilitates the meeting, which I believe is a good idea. I don’t know why, but it this makes me sad. Zack seems to want to talk or try to resolve things, but now Michaela is closed off. This relationship is so confusing. I don’t know if he just doesn’t want Michaela to hate him or he truly wants a relationship with her. He sends mixed signals. I can see how Michaela could easily be confused and hurt by this constant change of heart.

Myrla & Gil

Gil takes Myrla to place where he grew up. He shares how rough his childhood was and how he witnessed the death of his father. Later, Myrla shows how sports were important to her growing up. After a friendly game of volleyball, she goes into more depth about her life. Myrla grew up poor, so having material items that represent wealth is important to her.

Dr. Pepper meets with Myrla and Gil to get more insight into their relationship.  Once they sit down, they jump right into things. Dr. Pepper asks about Myrla’s negative outlook and how it affects him. I love the way this could be a difficult conversation; they both are in good spirits. They even explore the idea that they love one another.  But they are still at an impasse in regards to her spending habits. Their goal is to eventually save for a house and children. Gil wants Myrla to make some changes to be able to accomplish those goals sooner.

Rachel & Jose

Jose shares how his parents’ decision to move changed his life. He wants to have a partner who he can build a life with. Later, Dr. Pepper comes to visit to check on their progress. They have gotten to a point where they know each other’s triggers and have learned how navigate them. But Rachel has been hiding a secret about the night when she was locked out. Hmmm… This could get messy.

Rachel reveals that the night Jose locked her out; she reached out to an ex and stayed at his house. Honestly, I don’t think this was a good idea. But given the situation, I could see how she felt desperate when she couldn’t get ahold of anyone at 2am. She did go to the other couple’s apartments and no one answered the door. Hopefully, they both can learn from this situation and move forward. But she should have told him the truth sooner.  At least, Jose didn’t react the same way he did the last time he was upset.

Brett & Ryan

Ryan shares one of his favorite childhood activities, fishing with Brett. They both have grown up in different environments, which have shaped them as adults. When she reads her letter to her childhood self, it almost seemed like it was a pep talk for her today. Ryan gets emotional when he talks about his best friend who passed away in 2019.

Brett receives a text from a friend stating that Ryan was on a dating website and matched with someone she knew. When she confronts him, he denies that his profile was active. But she has evidence he actually matched with her friend that same day. They literally have less than two weeks left in the experiment and he couldn’t wait to get on a dating app? Instead of taking ownership and apologizing, he just leaves. He then sends a text message that he had no intention of using the app until decision day. Whatever, Ryan! I have no doubt that Brett will eventually find a guy who will make her feel special.



[Photo Credit: Lifetime]

The post Married At First Sight Recap: Memory Lane And A Dirty Secret appeared first on Reality Tea.

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