Meri Brown Gets Made Over, Tries to Distract Fans from Alleged LuLuRoe Scam

October 04, 2021

Meri Brown hosted her weekly Fridays with Friends Instagram Live session late last week, doing so amid a somewhat ironic time period.

Meaning what, exactly?

Meaning that Meri Brown is lacking a bit for friends these days amid accusations that she's a key player in a nationwide pyramid scheme being run by clothing apparel company LuLu Roe.

Might this even explain why the Sister Wives star debuted a new haircut on Friday?

As you can see above and below, the veteran TLC personality has gotten a trim, straightening out her hair and cutting the strands just right about her shoulders in the process.

We think she looks great.

But we also can't help but wonder:

Is Meri trying to change the narrative? Is she trying to distract followers from the ongoing LuLuRoe controversy by getting a makeover?

In case you missed it, Amazon released a four-part documentary late this summer.

It's titled LuLaRich and it aims to take viewers behind the scenes of a company that reportedly preys on lower-level employees, all of whom must pay a fee in order to become a salesperson.

In exchange for this fee, the employees receive items they must sell on their own.

A percentage of this fee, along with a percentage of these sales, go to higher-ups within the organzation... with director Julia Willoughby Nason outlining how executives focus on lonely women as recruits.

"(LuLaRoe) was tailored to and sold to a lot of women who are stay-at-home mothers (which is) a very isolating experience in this country, unfortunately," explains Nason, basically describing Meri precisely and adding:

"People are so attracted to joining the company because they get to have friends, they get to have a community and, at the same time, they can have autonomy and make an income."

Meri has been an outspoken advocate of LuLaRoe for years.

In 2020, Christine Brown came on board, selling articles of clothing for the brand because she's desperate for money.

Just a couple weeks ago, Meri went on a LuLuRoe-sponsored trip to Cancun, raving over the experience and the company as a whole.

She has not yet commented on the backlash she continues to receive for supposedly profiting off the hard work of others.

Not directly, at least.

Last month, however, Brown went out of her way once again to heap praise on LuLuRoe, almost definitely responding to the constant criticism via a passionate defense of the business.

"Five years into my journey with @LuLaRoe and I couldn't be happier," Meri wrote on September 28 via Instagram, expressing extreme defiance.

"Five years of finding my happiness, serving others, making amazing friends across the country, and yes, even outside of the US.

"I often ask myself why I didn't get involved with the company sooner, you see, I had actually met @deannelularoe prior to the company even existing.

"But then I remind myself, there's a reason for timing."

She continued:

"I know in my heart that the timing for me to find LuLaRoe and get involved at the time I did was right for me, for my well-being, for my healing.

"And that's what these past five years have done for me.

"It feels good to be at peace, to know that my happiness only comes from within, and that whatever external forces are trying to bring me down, well, they can just keep trying."

To be clear, we very much want Meri to be happy.

Kody Brown is a terrible and selfish husband and we've pushed for Meri to walk away from her spiritual marriage for over a year now.

But Meri sounds almost brain-washed here; like a member of some sort of cult.

She concluded last week as follows:

I'm loud and proud LuLaRoe.

I'm grateful to have a company like this to be involved with, a company flooded with women and men who lift each other up, a company that wants to see me succeed, a company whose owners pray for each one of us daily, a company of integrity.

I'm not going anywhere, LuLaRoe isn't going anywhere, we're here for the long haul, and happy about it!

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