Britney Spears Thanks #FreeBritney Movement: I'm Gonna Be Free Because of You!

October 05, 2021

Last week, Jame Spears was suspended as conservator by Judge Brenda Penny, a long-awaited victory for his daughter.

Fresh from her clothing-free vacation in paradise with fiance Sam Asghari, Britney Spears is back home.

She has taken a mental and emotional inventory of all that led to last week's courtroom triumph.

And Britney knows exactly who to thank: the fans who have been in her corner since day one.

On Monday, Facebook's ongoing efforts to radicalize old people through rage-bait misinformation hit a stumbling block.

All of Facebook's properties, including Instagram, were down for hours.

Perhaps that is why Britney Spears took to Twitter to share these messages -- her first since she tweeted about her social media break.

"#FreeBritney movement … I have no words …" she wrote on Monday evening.

"Because of you guys and your constant resilience in freeing me from my conservatorship …" she commented.

Britney affirmed that "my life is now in that direction !!!!!"

Britney Spears tweet thanking Free Britney movement

"I cried last night for two hours cause my fans are the best and I know it …" Britney gushed.

In a follow-up tweet, she added another message.

"I feel your hearts and you feel mine …" Britney wrote. "That much I know is true!"

Britney Spears tweet - I feel your hearts

Britney cross-posted this message to Instagram (once IG's function was restored), and also shared another update:

"Getting back on my feet after my trip to French Polynesia!!!!" she shared of her recent trip.

Britney added that it was "Such a cool place."

Britney Spears tweet - back from French Polynesia

We all know that anyone with as many fans as Britney is going to inevitably rack up a number of blissfully stupid commenters.

When some people congratulated her on her visit to "France," she had to clarify -- on Instagram -- that it's a French Territory, not France itself.

Please do not make Britney explain geography to you. Unless you are one of her brilliant teenage sons, it is not her job.

The #FreeBritney movement truly took off in 2019 as public awareness of her conservatorship increased.

At that time, Britney was abruptly hospitalized in some sort of mental wellness center under her father's orders.

While many of us who were Britney supporters knew that her dad was bad news, we have all learned a lot since then.

Britney's conservatorship happened during the earliest years of social media, when there was much less direct access to celebrities.

In contrast, her suddenly being locked away for weeks with almost no social media activity set off alarm bells.

Accompanying reports about how this was on her father's orders and against her will following disputes about her medication and work ... that didn't sit well.

Britney was already a grown woman in her mid thirties with two amazing sons.

Even if she weren't also a tremendously talented singer and one of the world's greatest performers, why couldn't she make her own choices?

In recent years, the general public has learned a lot about the horror of conservatorships.

Britney's plight is something that has happened to countless others who are less famous and less able to fight back.

Disability rights advocates have been speaking about this for years, and are now being taken more seriously.

After all, if a world-famous millionaire like Britney can have her rights taken away from her right in front of the world, what chance do so many others have?

Conservatorships, as it turns out, are almost impossible to abolish once they are put into place.

Britney has had to fight for years, with massive public support, just to replace her awful dad with a conservator of her choosing.

Make no mistake: she's not yet fully free. She just has a nicer, better person signing off on her spending her own money.

This is an issue that has united both sides of the political aisle -- which has historically either been a very good or a very bad sign.

It's true that massive public attention, including demonstrations in the streets, have kept the pressure on and shown Jamie Spears that he could not win.

But Britney Spears can only find justice in the courtroom -- and no judge's ruling can give her back the years and money lost over the majority of her adult life.

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