Your Friendly Neighborhood Murderer: Why Does The Media Constantly Portray White Criminals In Such A Positive Light?

Frederick Police Department
Chris Watts Is A Monster Who Murdered His Pregnant Wife And Is Suspected Of Killing His Young Daughters
We woke up this morning to another headline about suspected family killer Chris Watts that featured a smiling photo of him and his wife and a headline that gushed about him being a family man who would have died for his kids.
“It’s beyond belief, really,” says Kris Landon in the article by People Magazine. “I never saw this coming.”
“His entire persona was as a family man, talking about his wife and his girls,” says Landon. “I believed until the other day that his entire life was those girls, and that he would die for them.”
Problematic to say the least…
Watts, 33, has been charged with the murders of his 15-weeks-pregnant wife, Shanann, and the couple’s daughters, 4-year-old Bella and 3-year-old Celeste. AND he was allegedly having an affair with a co-worker. So why is his mugshot almost never the feature image for articles about him? Instead, media outlets have been using photos from his dead wife’s Facebook account. Is it because they believe their readership will relate more to the family photos and click on the articles wondering why a man who they related to so much could act in such a way?
If you look around the internet you’ll find we’re not the only ones disturbed by how Chris Watts is being treated in the media.
Shaun King pointed out this example of how a dad enacting vigilante justice for his daughter, who was a rape victim, hasn’t been giving the type of humanity in media portrayals that Chris Watts has.
We’re calling for change here. Please when you see this kind of “white privilege” at work – point it out and demand better from the media.