
In White Folks News: Pink’s Baby Daddy Gets Dragged For Bringing ‘Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease’ Suffering Son Out In Public

August 30, 2018

Picture by: SplashNews.com

Folks Get Outraged Over Cary Hart For Bringing Sick Kid To Restaurant

Oh boy! Cary Hart, Pink’s hubby is getting tons of unsolicited parenting advice after sharing a snap shot and story of how he’s handing their toddler, who has hand, foot and mouth disease. According to webmd, hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is a common children’s virus causing sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet.

According to Cary, he took his baby with the sores on his mouth, hands and feet into a restaurant. This little tidbit had folks judging them…

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One user wrote: “Not cool bro. When your kids have something highly contagious it’s really inconsiderate to expose other kids to it,”

Another barked, “Your kid may not have ate off someone’s plate but he touched the table, seats, etc. You want someone else’s poor kid to catch it? Think McFly.”

But not so fast, Cary says it’s perfectly FINE. The doctor gave him the “Okay” to bring their son out in public. He also joked about infecting the world, teasing folks with something to say about his parenting.


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Well, alrighty then!

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