Animal Style Beef: Fans Are Boycotting In-N-Out After The Fast Food Chain’s Recent Donation To GOP

Californians Boycott In-N-Out Following Republican Donation
Would you stop eating at one of your favorite restaurants over their values or political affiliation (I’m looking at you, people who boycotted Chick-fil-A for a day or two back in 2012 and then ran right back)? The people of California are in the process of that same decision making right now with their long-championed West Coat burger chain.
In-N-Out has always been known for their Christian values, made clear by the bible verses stamped on every bag, cup, and tray inside of their restaurant. Christianity isn’t automatically linked to the GOP, but it seems that way many times when it comes to big corporations–so it shouldn’t be too surprising for consumers that In-N-Out supports the Republican party.
With that being said, it looks like some people are genuinely surprised by their affiliation, and they claim a recent discovery is going to make them stop all consumption of double-doubles and animal style fries. This comes after the head of the California Democratic Party called for a boycott of the famed burger chain after a public filing revealed that the company had recently donated $25,000 to the state’s Republican Party.
Et tu In-N-Out? Tens of thousands of dollars donated to the California Republican Party… it’s time to #BoycottInNOut – let Trump and his cronies support these creeps… perhaps animal style!
— EricBauman (@EricBauman) August 30, 2018
An image from California’s secretary of state’s website, labeled California Form 497, showed the In-N-Out contribution. That posting quickly found traction on Twitterverse, and the debates were heavy from thereon out.
One of the major arguments before thrown back at democrats wanting to automatically boycott In-N-Out is the company’s history of paying their workers a living wage high above the usual fast food chain.
The irony here is that @innoutburger is one of the few fast food companies to pay their workers a living wage, with starting pay at over $16/hr in certain areas of CA. We need more companies that treat their employees like #InNOutBurger not less!
— Beto Mora (@Beto_Mora_) August 31, 2018
Another argument being brought up is that In-N-Out has donated similarly to both political parties in the past, and that either way, the California GOP is much different than donating to Trump.
In-N-Out Burger responds to #BoycottInNOut. The Executive VP says In-N-Out donated to both political parties not just the California Republican Party. Here’s the official statement. @KPIXtv
— Mary Lee (@MaryKPIX) August 30, 2018
California is a blue state, so a boycott–if actually executed by the majority of the people who claim to want it–would most definitely affect business.
Here’s what some In-N-Out fans had to say about their decisions to boycott the burger chain–do you care about the political affiliations of your favorite food joints?
I’ve been eating @innoutburger since I was a kid. It’s part of the Southern California lifestyle. That all changed when they made a $25,000 donation to the GOP. I will #BoycottInNOut and no longer spend a dime in their establishments.
— The T (@socaltrav) August 30, 2018