
Kneel Before Zod, Ho! Colin Kaepernick Wins Big As Arbitrator Denies NFL’s Request To Dismiss Collusion Lawsuit

August 31, 2018

Colin Kaepernick's collusion lawsuit against the NFL will be dismissed according to arbitrator

Image via Michael Zagaris/San Francisco 49ers/Getty Images

Colin Kaepernick’s Collusion Lawsuit Against NFL Will Not Be Dismissed

Colin Kaepernick scored a huge legal win yesterday in his battle against the NFL’s alleged collusion to keep him out of the league after he protested police brutality against minorities.

In layman’s terms, this will not be swept under the rug. The NFL and its owners will have to make a case that they didn’t come together to collectively keep Kaep from under center. A court case is impending and it’s going to be VERY revealing.

Can’t. Wait. Word to Bart Scott.

According to Sports Illustrated, this ruling has serious implications for not only the owners, but for the other NFL players as well.

If arbitrator Stephen Burbank finds that 14 or more franchises participated in collusion, then the NFLPA could potentially render the collective bargaining agreement null and void. Which could mean better working conditions for players, more money, and a host of other things.

Kaep’s lawsuit could fundamentally change the NFL forever. We Stan a revolutionary King.

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