
Kim Kardashian Debuts New Konfusing Hairstyle & We Need Answers ASAP

August 31, 2018

Instagram Photo

Kim Kardashian’s Latest Hairstyle Scrutinized On Social Media

Kim Kardashian is the GOAT at cultural appropriation, so it really shouldn’t be a surprise that not only did she get braids again—she threw in a few locs for good attention seeking measure.

While the rest of the world mourns the late Aretha Franklin, Kylie Jenner’s older sister hit Instagram with a photo that has black people looking at her like she’s crazy.

Referring to herself as “Futuristic Barbie,” Kim sits on her knees and gives the camera her best “I’m sexy” face. One bewildered fan commented on Instagram, “I’m confused is it a bun with feathers in it and then braids coming out of the bun?”

We don’t have the answers, Sway, but hit the flip for more hilarious feedback on Kim’s bad braid-faux loc combo.

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