Sunken Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Tiger Woods Says “We Must Respect The Office” When Asked About His Bromance With Donald Trump

August 27, 2018


Tiger Woods Thinks “We Must Respect The Office”

Tiger Woods has been friends with Donald Trump for years, and have golfed together on several occasions after he was elected President. When asked about his relationship with Trump, Tiger responded that it’s important to always “respect the office.”

During an interview at Ridgewood Country Club, a reporter asked Woods how he would respond to people who are critical of his friendly relationship with Donnie and he immediately followed up by saying, “Well, he’s the president of the United States. You have to respect the office…No matter who is in the office, you may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect the office.”



With star athletes like Lebron James and Steph Curry being adamant in their stance against everything Trump stands for, Woods may be one of the first minority athletes to seemingly side with the president. Tiger finished up his interview by saying “I’ve known Donald for a number of years..We’ve played golf together. We’ve had dinner together.”


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