Science Says People Who Drink Black Coffee Are More Likely To Be Psychopaths
If you love your coffee black and bitter, then according to science, you might just be a psychopath.
Now before you go off psychoanalyzing drink orders at your local Starbucks, let’s take a gander at the science behind this.
A 2015 study by the University of Innsbruck in Austria examined the connection between personalities and taste preferences. Specifically, they wanted to know if certain flavors could be an indicator for antisocial personality traits.
The study, led by researchers Christina Sagioglou and Tobias Greitmeyer, held two experiments involving 953 participants.
Those participants were then asked to fill out a questionnaire about their food preferences. They were also asked questions about traits like narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and the “Big Five” personality factors.
Based on the answers from those 953 participants, they found out that those who enjoyed bitter tastes like beer, radishes, celery, (or black coffee) either exhibited signs of psychopathy or fell on the spectrum of it. These same bitter-loving participants were also found to have sadistic tendencies. Yikes.
On the bright side, researchers also found that those who enjoyed sweets were more likely to be agreeable and approachable people. So, confirmed: Frappuccino lovers are the sweetest bunch.
If you genuinely like black coffee and you swear you’re not a psychopath, don’t worry about it too much. This study does have its holes and definitely needs more research. Just remember that enjoying black coffee doesn’t automatically classify you as a psychopath or a sadist, but it does make the rest of us wonder why on earth anyone would choose an Americano over an Affogato.
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