Protect Ya Neck: There’s A Chinese Space Station Set To Crash On Earth This Weekend, No One Know Where

March 29, 2018

Image via Barcroft Images/Barcroft Media via Getty Images

Chinese Space Station To Crash Into Earth This Weekend

This is something that you may not hear about very much, but we figured it was worth sharing because it could be all bad for someone. And we don’t want y’all coming back talmbout “how come you didn’t say anything???”

According to USAToday, there is a massive Chinese space station that is currently hurdling toward Earth. It’s called The Heavenly Palace, it weighs 9.4 tons and is 34 feet long. It’s basically a flaming school bus that is headed this way at devastating speed.

Thing is, scientist have no idea where it is or where it will land. It could land in the middle of the ocean (hopefully), it could also land on your house (that would suck).

The only information that has been attained is that the space station will crash sometime between the morning of March 31 and the afternoon of April 1. No, this is not an April Fools joke.

Look alive, look alive.

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