Justice Or Jig? Pulse Nightclub Killer’s Wife Acquitted Of All Accomplice Charges

March 30, 2018

Image via Red Huber/Orlando Sentinel/TNS via Getty Images

Pulse Club Shooter’s Wife Acquitted Of Charges

The man who murdered 49 people and wounded more than 50 others at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Omar Mateen, was killed after his murderous rampage. He could never be properly brought to justice. Dying was the easy way out.

However, Mateen’s widow, Noor Salman, was being held partly responsible for her husband’s crimes. She was charged with aiding and abetting the commission of a terrorist act.

While Salman was facing life in prison, prosecutors didn’t argue that she had pulled the trigger, but that she was somehow intimately involved with her husband’s plan. Additionally, she lied to the FBI about the ISIS beheading videos and other terrorist content that Mateen consumed online.

Today, she was acquitted of those charges according to CNN.

“It’s Good Friday for everybody,” an uncle, Al Salman, said. “I want to say thank you, Lord.”

However, as you might imagine, not everyone is jumping for joy that Salman is getting off scot-free. Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings expressed his and many other’s dissatisfaction with the jury’s decision.

“This has been an emotional event for our community and many feel that justice has not prevailed,” he said in a statement.

“However, the system of justice has spoken and we should look to the continued healing for the families and our entire community so that this event will not define us.”

The community might be defined by it, but Salman sure will. “Innocent” or not, people in Orlando will not likely forget her or her husband for the rest of their lives and beyond.

Do you think the jury did the right thing?

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