Anti-Trump Artists Release Live Rats In An NYC Trump Hotel Room

March 31, 2018

(Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Artist Group Indecline Released Live Rats In A Trump Hotel Room

A notorious group of anti-Trump artists’ latest piece is a heist-style installation, which involves live rats and a Trump impersonator being handcuffed. And the cherry on top, it all takes place in a Trump hotel in New York City.

The group is named Indecline, you might know them from their work creating/installing the infamous naked Trump statues or turning the president’s Westchester golf course into “Trump Cemetery.” The group checked into a one-bedroom suite at the Trump International hotel at around 4pm on Thursday and smuggled in suitcases filled with props and materials.

The seven artists then “dismantled everything,” which includes taking apart furniture and taking objects off the walls, then stashing everything in the bedroom. Next, they hung temporary wallpaper to make the walls appear like cracked concrete, later building up a 5ft by 8ft jail cell, where they scattered McDonalds wrappers and released live rats….yuck.

One of the group members commented on the work saying, “I’m sure police would be here and arrests would be made. There’s no irreparable damage, but they place is unrecognizable.”

The source said that because they paid for the room and they left everything as they found it, no laws had been broken.  “The big question is the rats. They’re not emotional support rats. I’m sure it’s a health code violation, but I’m not sure what kind.”


A group member told Page Six that the project was designed to “celebrate the Unites States’ history of activism and protest.”

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