Lawyers Say The Darndest Things: Bill Cosby’s Lawyers Ask Judge To Step Down Over Wife’s Social Work, Get Denied

March 30, 2018

Cosby’s Lawyers Denied For Requesting Judge Step Down From Case

Bill Cosby’s defense lawyers asked that Judge Steven O’Neill, who is presiding over their sexual assault trial, step down from the case. Why? Because his wife is an active social worker and advocates for victims of assault.

This request was officially denied on Thursday, which was reported by the Associated Press reports. Judge O’Neill assured his objectivity at a pretrial hearing, voicing that fact that he is “not biased or prejudiced” as a result of his marriage. He says that the idea he shares the same views as his wife on everything, or allows his or her views to influence his work as a judge is,  “faulty, plain and simple.”  The judge’s wife, Deborah O’Neill, reportedly works as a psychotherapist at the University of Pennsylvania, and manages a team of social workers attempting to alleviate the plight of students who have been sexually assaulted.

Cosby’s defense team isn’t doing too hot leading up to the trial. They recently tried to overturn Judge O’Neill’s ruling to allow up to five more accusers to testify, and they failed with that request, as well. The court appearance in Philadelphia today marks the defense’s final stand in attempting to delay Cosby’s retrial.

Cosby’s lawyers trying to get a new judge because his wife is an advocate against sexual assault is laughable because…we’re all against sexual assault. But it was a good try by the lawyers, kind of.

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