Really?? White House Says Police Shootings Like Stephon Clark’s Are A “Local Matter”, Not A National Crisis

March 29, 2018


(Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

Sarah Huckabee Breezes Over Police Violence Against Black Lives

When Sarah SUCKabee Sanders, White House press secretary was asked about the shooting deaths of unarmed black men such as Stephon Clark who have sparked national outrage over police brutality, and she dodged the issue calling them, “local matters”.  The lack of interest from the White House to address issues like the lack of charges against the killer of Alton Sterling happened during a White House press briefing yesterday.

“Something that is a local matter and that’s something that we feel should be left up to the local authorities at this point in time.”

Reportedly Sanders called what happened to Stephon Clark, shot 20 times unarmed in his backyard, a terrible incident” but repeated that Trump wants to support law enforcement and not make it a national issue. “We want to make sure that all law enforcement is carrying out the letter of the law,” she said.


Previously, Trump has used local stories such as the shooting death of Kate Steinle by an undocumented immigrant or the firing of workers at an Indiana Carrier plant to advance his policy priorities.

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