Jana Duggar & Stephen Wissmann: Were They Actually Courting, or Just Chaperoning Jeremiah & Hannah?

November 02, 2021

Last week, the Duggar family confirmed what most of their fans had suspected for quire some time:

Jeremiah Duggar and Hannah Wissmann are courting, a secret that was poorly kept in the weeks leading up to the announcement.

Not much is known about Jeremiah, but still, fans seem excited by the prospect of yet another Duggar wedding.

The news is more than a little bittersweet, however, as it comes on the heels of a discouraging development in the life of a bonafide fan favorite.

Jana Duggar, Stephen Wissmann split (early August 2021)

For several months, Duggar followers were under the impression that Jana was being courted by Stephen Wissmann, Hannah's brother.

The goal of all Duggar courtships is marriage, and fans were hopeful that Jim Bob and Michelle's eldest daughter would finally tie the knot and leave the nest.

But in time, it became clear that Jana and Stephen are not headed for the altar.

At first, fans assumed that Jana and Stephen had broken up, but now, a new theory has emerged.

If you're at all familiar with the infamous Duggar courtship rules, then you probably know that unmarried men and women are not allowed to be alone together.

That means they need a chaperone -- or sometimes two.

The Wissmann family lives in Nebraska, and Jana has spent a lot of time there over the course of the past year.

She even spent Christmas in Omaha with the Wissmanns, and if you know what a big deal Christmas is for the Duggars, then you know that's a very big deal.

So it's not hard to see why fans jumped to the conclusion that Jana and Stephen were getting serious.

Now, however, many are of the belief that the elder siblings were merely serving as chaperones for Jeremiah and Hannah.

The most prominent Duggar outlet to put forth this theory is the popular Facebook page Pickles 4 Truth.

"Jeer has a girlfriend which means they're setting the wedding date for any day now. The girl is Hannah Wissmann," Pickles wrote this week.

"Sooooo, was Jana just hànging with the Wissmanns chaperoning Jeer and nothing was ever going on with her and Stephen or are we going to see a double wedding?" the admin asked.

"Also, will Jeer move to Hannah's home state to live under her father's control or will they live in Arkansas under Jim Bob's rule. So many choices for fundie extremists youth."

Several commenters echoed the sentiment, indicating that many have now come around to the possibility that Jana and Stephen were never actually dating.

Like the Jer-Hannah courtship, this news has received a mixed response from Duggar fans.

Some are happy that Jana was not forced to endure a messy breakup, particularly as Stephen's sister will almost certainly be marrying into the Duggar family.

But others are of the belief that it's better to have loved and lost, and they feel saddened by the fact that Jana will likely turn 32 in January having never experienced a real relationship.

Whatever the case, however, remaining single might be the best thing for Jana right now.

After all, her family is receiving a lot of negative attention these days.

And there really couldn't be a worse time for Jana to assume center stage.

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