Jenelle Evans: My Son is Doing Great! He Hasn't Set a Single Fire in Months!

November 30, 2021

Look, you guys.

We don't love to write about young children of celebrities on this website.

We'd much prefer to focus on their parents, who actually choose to be in the spotlight and who often deserve to be ridiculed for their actions.

When it comes to Jenelle Evans, however?

The former Teen Mom cast member often brings up her children on her own -- and often raises some serious concerns about her sons in particular, Jace and Kaiser.

Back in April, you may recall, The Sun obtained court papers filed by Jenelle (as part of her custody fight with her mom, Barbara) in which she detailed some major behavioral issues on the part of Jace.

The former MTV personality specifically cited an incident on December 19, 2020 where she claimed Jace and Barbara “argued throughout the day.”

“The minor child physically assaulted [Barbara] twice causing injury to [Barbara.]," read these documents.

"The Minor child also burned the carpet because he was angry with [Barbara].

“The minor child has a history of starting fires in the home of [Barbara].

"The minor child physically assaulted [Barbara] twice causing injury to [Barbara.] The Minor child also burned the carpet because he was angry with [Barbara]."

So, yeah. Like we said:

We've had some causes for concern when it comes to Jenelle's children.

How are they doing these days?

"Kaiser is doing very good," Evans recently told The Sun, adding:

"Jace is having some issues at school and at my mom's house, which I can't go into detail about because there's a pending custody case but Kaiser's doing much better in school."

As you may have heard, Kaiser is seven and a half years old, and yet...

"He had to repeat kindergarten twice, basically," Jenelle now explains.

"And the first time he was too young. The second time, he kept getting in trouble. So I was like you know what I'm going to hold him back myself so now he's in first grade and he's doing great.

"And he's actually learning and not running around the classroom and doing cartwheels."

Evans went on to say Kaiser simply had too much "energy" in the past, scarcely paying attention to the teacher.

But now?

"He's more focused."

Jenelle added that boys' behavioral issues were due to both just needing to "mature."

While Jace and Kaiser may be improving, however, Jenelle’s historically challenging relationship with her mom remains strained... as loved ones “only talk when it’s to pick up Jace and drop him off," she says.

“I’m more standoffish to my mom because of what’s going on and I want to keep the conversation about Jace, and she tries to have it about other things,” Jenelle told The Sun.

“And when I try to bring up Jace, she just totally ignores me about the topic.

"So we’re butting heads right now, and it’s not really going anywhere.”

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