THG Presents: The 10 Biggest Turkeys of 2021!

November 25, 2021

The year 2021 started off with an insurrection against the U.S. Capitol and will end with even more deaths from COVID-19 than we saw in 2020.

In between?

Kim Kardashian filed to divorce Kanye West... Meghan Markle welcomed her second child... and a very famous reality star was arrested on truly horrific charges.

It's been a lot.

spencer turkey

We've covered the good, the bad and the very strange all year long on The Hollywood Gossip -- but what about the very annoying, weird and lame?

What about the pathetic, the easily-mocked and laughable?

Indeed, what about the celebrities we most closely associate with a turkey?

In honor of Thanksgiving, our staff is once again here to count down the 10 Biggest Turkeys of 2021 (just like we did in 2020), starting below with the 10th most feeble and irritating... and ending wiith the most feeble and irritating:

10. Donald Trump: Typically, inciting a violent assault against Democracy would automatically land someone the top spot in this scientific ranking system.

As would the incessant and dangerous whining over a rigged Presidential election that was, by all counts and according to every shred of evidence, not rigged in any way, shape or form.

But it's important to remember that Trump isn't actually in office any longer. He lost to Joe Biden.

And losers don't deserve any spot higher than the final one here.

9. Angela Deem: It's hard to pick just one 90 Day Fiance star who truly embodies the turkey spirit, but Angela takes the cake (stuffing?) in 2021.

On-screen, she topped off her screaming and verbal abuse with the angriest strip-tease that anyone has ever seen.

Off-screen, she invited her convicted child-molester daughter to party with Angela and her grandbabies on the Fourth of July.

No makeover can fix that.

8. Scott Disick: This is a 38-year-old father of three who seeks out romantic relationships with barely-legal teen models.

He’s also a bitter, jealous jerk who slut-shamed Kourtney Kardashian simply because she chose to share her happiness with the world after falling in love with someone new.

On their own, either of these behaviors would be sufficient to earn him a spot on the list of THG’s top turkeys.

Together, they’re enough to make us hope that he’ll soon fade back into obscurity so that we don’t have to hear about this creep’s nauseating behavior anymore.

7. Jon Gosselin: How is this guy still in the news? And appearing on The Dr. Oz Show of all places? And STILL trashing his ex-wife?!?

And even now talking at length about his ex-girlfriend's cancer diagnosis?

Go away, dude. Please.

6. Kelly Dodd: Kelly has been a real piece of work for years, but her on-screen antics were usually entertaining.

This past year, though, she was awful.

Kelly's months of spreading malice and misinformation cost her two cushy jobs. She's no longer a Real Housewife, and spends her days trying to get sued to give her something to talk about on her ridiculous podcast.

It's kind of sad that she actually does stuff such as THIS.

5. Jamie Spears: According to his own daughter, Jamie should be investigated and maybe even placed behind bars for the way he treated her over the course of the last 13 years.

In one damning statement about another, Britney Spears went public this summer and fall with the horrible behavior of her dad as the conservator of her estate.

She talked about how he stole money from her, how he didn't let her have children, how he controlled every aspect of her personal and professional life for well over a decade -- lining his bank account with millions in the process.

Jamie only barely made the top five because he at last stepped away several weeks ago from his legal role, opening the door for a judge to terminate the conservatorship a short while later.

4. Pete Davidson: It's just... a guy this painfully unfunny should not be allowed to keep dating every beautiful woman in Hollwood.

Seriously, man, how big is it?!?

3. David Eason: He earns a permanent spot on this list.

To Eason's credit, he didn't murder any dogs or beat any spouses in 2021, at least not as far as we know.

But he's still a racist. And still a bigot. And still a bad influence on his kids and he and Jenelle Evans are still trying to make themselves happen, much to our extreme dismay.

2. The Delta Variant: How does the virus who has killed an endless number of people not garner our top spot?

Because of this guy...

1. Josh Duggar: What can we say about Josh Duggar that hasn’t already been said in his voluminous criminal records?

The known sexual predator will soon stand trial on child pornography charges that could land him behind bars for up to 20 years.

One lead investigator described the materials found on Josh’s computer as “the worst of the worst.” Interestingly, that description works perfectly for Josh himself!

Not only is the disgraced former reality star our Turkey of the Year, he’s an early front-runner for the worst basted bird of the 21st century.

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