Britney Spears and Sam Asghari: We Won't Marry Until the Conservatorship is OVER!

November 02, 2021

After so many years together, Britney Spears is eager to marry Sam Asghari in their perfect dream wedding.

In fact, the two are looking forward to taking a lot of steps together now that Britney's awful dad is out of the picture.

But right now, they're not doing any of those things because they want to do them the right way.

There's an upcoming court ruling that could change Britney's life forever.

Britney Spears wants to do more than just marry Sam Asghari after their five year relationship.

She also wants to buy a new house with him to form new memories for their new life together.

Britney also, as she testified in court, wants to reverse her forced sterilization and have children with Sam.

There is n upcoming court hearing in Britney's ongoing conservatorship battle.

She won a major victory when the court suspended Jamie Spears from his role as conservator.

But appointing a qualified CPA of Britney's choosing to replace him was an important step, but not the final one.

The conservatorship is still in place.

Having a competent, qualified, non-malicious, non-abusive person controlling your life is not the same as freedom.

It might feel like a tremendous weight off of her shoulders after nearly 14 years of her father's rule, but Britney still needs her choices signed off on.

TMZ reports that Britney and Sam are content to remain engaged before making any solid wedding plans.

The reason is the impending hearing in her conservatorship case.

For the same reason, their hunt for a new house and ironing out the prenup are also on hold.

Right now, the end of Britney's long personal nightmare seems inevitable.

Certainly, a series of rulings in her favor -- allowing her to hire her own attorney, suspending her father -- point in that direction.

Public opinion and legislators on both sides of the aisle are fully on Britney's side. It is hoped that the court will, too.

The biggest question at the moment is whether the court will require a mental evaluation before ending the conservatorship.

Britney has asked, in the strongest possible terms, that she not be put through another series of tests.

This is a woman who has been failed by countless medical professionals and drugged against her will. She has had enough.

It's worth noting that even her awful father, Jamie Spears, backed her desire to end the conservatorship without a mental evaluation.

(We'll explain why his motives might be not that innocent in a moment)

As TMZ noted in their own report on this topic, no one involved with the conservatorship has requested that she be evaluated before it ends.

Mental evaluations are fairly standard when conservatorships end, and legal experts say that they may be difficult to avoid.

However, it will be up to the court to decide whether Britney has to endure yet another evaluation where her whole life is in a stranger's hands.

If she is evaluated, doctors and psychiatrists will testify in court about her cognitive capacities.

We mentioned that Jamie Spears, prior to his suspension, asked the court to end the conservatorship without an evaluation.

This sudden change of heart was not, Britney's attorney suggested, because he woke up one morning and started loving his daughter.

Instead, it is theorized that Jamie wanted the conservatorship to end immediately in the hopes of avoiding having to give any testimony himself.

Testifying under oath about nearly 14 years of a conservatorship could give someone a lot of opportunities to get into trouble.

Lying under oath is a no-no. And he wouldn't want to truthfully admit to wrongdoing, either.

At this point, Jamie may want this to all just go away. That ship may have sailed, however.

In recent months, stories broke about Jamie's surveillance of Britney's electronics and her home.

It was said that he recorded her conversations, monitored her phone, and even took audio recordings in her bedroom.

If true ... this is horrifying. It may also be criminal activity.

It has been reported that the FBI is looking into the matter.

If the allegations are true, Jamie could be in serious legal trouble.

Even if he can somehow find a legal excuse for spying on Britney, it's hard to see how he could justify spying on others -- anyone not his conservator whose calls he monitored.

We can understand why Britney and Sam are hoping for a truly fresh start.

Together, they can draw up a prenup with only their attorneys involved, buy a house, and plan a wedding with no need for someone to sign off on the budget.

Britney deserves to be able to make her choices as an almost-40-year-old adult.

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