Nutter Butter’s Squid Game Joke Is Twitter’s Filthiest New Meme

October 02, 2021

Nutter Butter Twitter account

Every morning I wake up, I start my day in the most unhealthy and unproductive way possible: I open my eyes, grab for my phone, and check what’s trending on Twitter. And I’m usually unsurprised by what I see, be it Kim Kardashian dressed as a dementor at Met Gala or the latest unhinged and grammatically challenged tweet from a republican member of congress. But this morning, what awaited me was two words: nut game.

Perhaps this is a new phone game like Candy Crush, I wondered to myself. But I was so wrong, so very very wrong. Nut Game was trending thanks to a joke tweet made by the Nutter Butter Twitter account, which was meant to be a play on the popular Korean Netflix series Squid Game.

Nut game. Nut. Game. NUT GAME. Naturally (nut-urally?), Twitter had a field day with the nut game tweet, which unleashed a level of dirty responses that no previous Nutter Butter tweet had ever inspired. And honestly, what did they expect? Most of us have been home bound for over a year, without kissing or touching another human. You want to play a nut game? Welcome to the thunder dome, baby.

The question is: was the nut game joke intentional or just a hapless intern who tweeted without considering the ramifications of combining the words “nut” and “game” on this, Al Gore’s internet? After all, corporate social media accounts are trying to straddle the line between the cultural critique of the Steak-Umms Twitter account and the self-effacing silliness of Denny’s Twitter.

Whether or not the dirty joke was intentional (and honestly how could it not be?) the Nutter Butter account is living for their newfound notoriety:

Was this all an elaborate ploy by Nutter Butter to use the internet’s love affair with jizz jokes to launch Cakesters? Or is the persona of the Nutter Butter brand just horny on main? The evidence is incontrovertible:

Will this new popularity make more people buy Nutter Butters? Does a funny social media presence translate in any way to sales? (as a former social media manager, I can assure you it does not!). In the meantime, we will be left to ponder what brought us to this point in our own history. It doesn’t matter who wins the Nut Game, we all lose.

(image: screencap)

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The post Nutter Butter’s Squid Game Joke Is Twitter’s Filthiest New Meme first appeared on The Mary Sue.

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