Coming in August from Marvel Comics, the “Biggest Venom Event of All Time”!
March 01, 2019
After the smash hit box office success of his solo debut film last year, Venom is bigger and stronger than ever, with a sequel to the Tom Hardy-starring film currently in the works.
What else is in the works? Oh, just “the biggest Venom event of all time“!
Yesterday, Marvel Comics posted a teaser image for *something* Venom and Carnage-related, with the tagline “Everyone is a target” plastered onto an image of several Marvel superheroes being attacked by Carnage. Suspended up above the madness? Your boy Venom.
We don’t know much about this cross-over comic book event at the moment, but writer Donny Cates recently teased on Twitter that it’ll be the biggest Venom event we’ve ever seen.
Everyone is a target in August 2019.