#UlyssesWilkerson Family Of Alabama Teen Beat By Police Being Represented By Trayvon Martin Family Attorney Ben Crump

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Ulysses Wilkerson Family Filing Civil Suit
The family of an Alabama teen that was hospitalized after being beaten by police is filing a civil suit with help from a famed attorney. As previously reported the four police officers who were investigated for using “physical force to subdue” Ulysses Wilkerson on December 23 will not face criminal charges.
What they still can face however is a civil suit and attorney Benjamin Crump famous for representing Trayvon Martin’s family, is joining in the fight.
The Dothan Eagle reports that Attorney Crump, as well as Attorney Dustin Fowler and Attorney Steve Etheredge, are representing Wilkerson and a civil suit is on the way.
“All I can say at this time is that we will proceed with litigation and we are moving forward with the civil suit,” said Dothan attorney Dustin Fowler, part of a legal team retained by the family of Ulysses KeAndre Wilkerson.
We hope that the civil suit will prove to fair better for the family than the criminal investigation.
There’s no way police should be allowed to do THIS to a teenager and not face some sort of repercussions.