
Teacher’s Gun Goes Off During Public Safety Class, Injuring Students

March 15, 2018

A teacher’s firearm accidentally went off in a California classroom on Wednesday during a class about public safety.

NY Times

Councilman Dennis Alexander who is also a teacher at Seaside High School in California was conducting a class on advanced public safety when the incident happened. He was showing the class his gun when it accidentally went off.

The gun was pointed to the ceiling when it happened.


No one in the class was seriously hurt, though there were 3 students injured during the incident. One student was hit by a piece of bullet shrapnel which ricocheted from the ceiling, the other two students were hit by falling debris.

Teachers are not allowed to bring in guns to the campus and an investigation is being done regarding the incident.


The public safety class has been offered for a couple of years, however Ms. Marci McFadden, a spokeswoman for the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District, was not aware that Mr. Alexander would regularly show a gun during class. Mr. Alexander was placed on administrative leave at both Seaside High School and the Sand City Police Department, where he works as a reserve police officer.

Ironically, the incident happened during Wednesday where nationwide school walkouts were held to protest gun violence.

Since the mass shooting that took the lives of 17 people in Parkland, Florida, proposals such as arming teachers with guns was among the favored approaches of President Trump.

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