#NationalWalkoutDay: Patriotic Students Across America Ditch Class To Protest The Government’s Refusal To End Mass Shootings
Image via Justin Sullivan/Getty
Students Across America Participate In #NationalWalkoutDay
Today marks a historic day in America. For almost 20 years now, since the Columbine massacre in 1999, the United States has been ravaged by mass shootings, many of them at public schools and college campuses.
The children who attend those schools have had e-f**king-nough. March 14, 2018 is #NationalWalkoutDay and students all over the country have abandoned their classrooms and taken to the streets to let the state and federal government know that they no longer wish to be murdered while trying to receive an education.
According to CNN and NYDailyNews, Students from LaGuardia High School in New York, Sayerville High School in New Jersey, Maryland’s Montgomery Blair High School, Walworth Barbour American International School in Israel (yes, ISRAEL!!!), Florida’s grieving Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and scores of other schools have sanctioned walkouts in solidarity of a common cause.
Common sense gun reform.
Sadly, some hatin’ azz adults want to stifle the voices of the youth like this heffa at Cambridge High School in Milton, Georgia.
Cambridge High School silences our voices after a peaceful protest saying this is supposed to be a peaceful demonstration, but apparently a speech isn't peaceful #whoknew #NationalWalkoutDay pic.twitter.com/GWJOSrjKky
— Grace Parzych (@ParzychGrace) March 14, 2018
In other cities, it appeared that some schools were completely apathetic to the cause…
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy ." – Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. #NationalWalkoutDay https://t.co/sBtJ0II6YG
— Ava DuVernay (@ava) March 14, 2018
One girl was even arrested for her civil disobedience.
Aminah Glenn, a junior at Kenwood Academy, was arrested for participating in #NationalWalkoutDay!
Let her go!!!
Please help get the word out!
: @pete_grieve #Chicago pic.twitter.com/JRkPDKbgS8
— EighteenX18 (@EighteenX18) March 14, 2018
Watching America’s youth take grown azz people to task for their incompetence and inability to take action against violence is truly glorious.
“There is no compromise. We are not seeking a Republican solution or a Democratic solution. We are seeking an American resolution.” #NationalWalkoutDay (via CBS) pic.twitter.com/HTXglhgDWK
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) March 14, 2018
Be clear, there is FAR more love and support than hate.
Flip the page to see what that looks like.