Murder-y Matrimony: Indiana Man Sentenced 47 Years For Murdering Bae When She Rejected Wedding Proposal
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Man Sentenced 47 Years For Murdering Girlfriend
An Indiana man who voluntarily turned himself into police after murdering his then girlfriend has been sentenced to 47 years in prison according to PEOPLE.
In 2016 Jason Eaton walked into a Greensberg, Indiana police station and told an officer that he shot his girlfriend Wendy Sabatini after asking for her hand in marriage.
Let Eaton tell it, he went home one day, walked up to Wendy, opened a ring box and before he could utter a word she hit him with the HARD Mutombo finger and a hearty “hell no”.
Jason then went to his nightstand, grabbed his gun and shot Wendy, a mother of 2, in the head.
Back in January Eaton plead guilty and today he was sentenced to 47 years hard time with 2 years suspended.
No way this dude should have been allowed to have a gun.