Money Moves: An Exasperated Cardi B Wants To Know What The F**k New York Is Doing With Her Bodak Bucks

March 23, 2018

Image via Kevin Winter/Getty Images for iHeartMedia

Cardi B Wants To Know Where Her Tax Dollars Go

It’s that time of year where gainfully employed people become anxious for one of two reasons, either they are checking their bank account everyday to see if Uncle Same dropped a lil’ somethin’ somethin’ in there, or, they know they owe dough and dread filing their taxes.

In Cardi B‘s case, she’s made BIG money over the past 365 days and it sounds like she dropped off a BIG bag to her colonizer “uncle”, 40% of her earnings to be exact.

That said, Cardi wants to know one thing…WHAT THE F**K ARE THEY DOING WITH HER MONEY?!?

Instagram Photo

It’s a fair question and a fair critique that sent several Twitter users into orbit last night.

Put some respeck on Bardi’s tax code acumen!

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