Kitten Brothers Do The Cutest Thing So They’ll Be Adopted Together

March 20, 2018

Marlow and Mittens are two stray kittens who were found together.


When they arrived at the RSPCA’s shelter, everyone could see just how attached they were. To give them a better chance of finding forever homes, they thought it would be better if they posted about them separately and didn’t require that they be adopted together.

Marlow and Mittens however, had other plans.


When Grace Serena and her partner, Jake, saw Marlow on the RSPCA’s website, they immediately knew he was the kitten for them. They had no idea though that Marlow had a brother.

When the couple arrived at the shelter, the little kittens quickly set a plan in motion to make sure they wouldn’t be separated.

Marlow and Mittens put on their cutest smiles, and snuggled up next to each other.


“They did mention that this particular pair were closer than most, but we’re definitely willing to adopt them out separately,” Grace shared. “I myself was attached to Marlow, and my partner Jake was extremely fond of Mittens. After a long and hard deliberation, we decided it was either no cats or both cats, and let’s be honest, no cats is NEVER a good idea.”

The couple wanted to adopt a kitten because Jake was going through a rough time emotionally. As soon as they met Marlow and Mittens though, all they could think about was getting the two inseparable kittens out of the shelter and straight to their forever home.

“We almost forgot entirely about our initial reason for getting a new pet, and adopted them out of pure love and utter cuteness,” Serena shared.


“After getting them home, I was expecting them to both be quite anxious about their change of environment,” Grace said.

“I have adopted pets before and usually the first 24 hours you find that your new pet is hiding somewhere they ‘feel safe’ and they won’t come out until they have absorbed the new scents and surroundings. These two were the polar opposite. They were initially inquisitive and then immediately made themselves right at home on our bed. They immediately claimed the place as their own and seemed extremely comfortable in their new home.”

It’s been about a week now since Marlow and Mittens arrived in their forever home, and the new little family couldn’t be happier.


The post Kitten Brothers Do The Cutest Thing So They’ll Be Adopted Together appeared first on Pulptastic.

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