Jesus Take The Wheel: Minnesota Teenager Crashes Into Exam Building During Her Driving Test

March 23, 2018

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Teen Goes Straight Into Exam Building At Start Of Driving Test

A teenager’s attempt to get her driver’s license went about as wrong as anyone could ever imagine. Her behind-the-wheel test took place on Wednesday in Buffalo, Minnesota, and right as she began, she crashed into the driver’s examination station before she even made it to the road. Well….that sounds like a rough start.

The 17-year-old inadvertently put the 2014 Chevy Equinox into drive instead of reverse as the first step to beginning her exam at about 2 p.m. Clearly, this window-shattering mistake brought the whole thing to a halt after she plowed the care through the front of her examiner’s building.

When she stepped on the accelerator, the vehicle lurched forward, jumped the curb and plowed through the front of the station in a strip mall, according to Buffalo Police Chief, Pat Budke.

Luckily, the teenager was not hurt, but her vehicle suffered significant damage. The examiner, a 60-year-old woman from Buffalo, was taken to a local hospital with noncritical injuries.

No one inside the office was hurt and no charges will be filed, according to Budke.

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