Dumb & Reckless: Miami Night Club Shut Down After Horse Nearly Stomps A Hole In Party Goers

March 10, 2018

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WTH: Horse Wilds Out In Miami Nightclub

Miami Beach has shut down the very popular Mokai nightclub after someone rode a horse onto the dance floor and things went terribly awry according to The Miami Herald. The shocking incident was captured on video and sparked outrage when it was posted online. Folks were screaming ‘horse abuse’ and the negative attention caused the club to be closed.

Here’s how it went down on camera:


People were super lucky they didn’t get hurt! Do you see the rage in that horse’s eyes? City Manager Jimmy Morales revoked Mokai’s business license Friday afternoon, citing a threat to public safety and the city’s animal cruelty laws as sufficient evidence to shut down the club. Fortunately, “Miami Dade PD’s animal experts have located the horse that was at Mokai,” Miami Beach police spokesman Ernesto Rodriguez said in a statement. “The horse has been inspected and deemed to be healthy and safe.”

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