
Been Fraud, Son: Shady Unqualified HUD Secretary Ben Carson Caught Ordering $31,000 Furniture With Taxpayer Money

March 14, 2018

Image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images

Ben Carson’s Denial Of $31,000 HUD Furniture Purchase

This age of Trumpism has got people in the administration acting like their on Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous!

According to CNN, Trump’s “African-American”, bootlickin’ Ben Carson is the latest Trumper to get caught up in a scandal.

Last month, when questioned about the purchase of a $31,000 dining room table, HUD flunkie Raffi Williams denied that big spendin’ Ben or his wife had anything to do with such an exorbitant waste of taxpayer dollars:

“Mrs. Carson and the secretary had no awareness that the table was being purchased,” he told CNN last month.

A HUD spokesman went further at the time, blaming the purchase on an unnamed career staffer. “The secretary did not order a new table. The table was ordered by the career staffers in charge of the building,” he said.

However, emails attained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal differently.

“Hi Mrs. Carson!” the scheduler wrote. “There is a designer who will be in town next week on the 15th-17th to look at possibly redecorating the Secretary’s office and bringing in new furniture. Are you available on any of those dates and would you like to come in and have input on the redecorating?”

The table was $24,666 and a bar cabinet was also ordered for $7,000. Sure sounds like the Carsons knew what was going on to us…

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