9 Famous Logos Get Transformed Into Female Versions To Empower Women, And The Results Look Awesome
This year’s women’s day was all about empowering women and more companies than ever have come together to celebrate this day.
Creative Equals, an organization aiming to support talented women and promote diversity in creative industries, has decided to replace iconic brand logos with female figures in order to highlight the issues of unbalanced branding in the media.
Their logos include companies like Pringles, Monopoly, DreamWorks, Schwarzkopf, and Bic. Creative Equals hope that this will bring out the issues of gender inequality because according to organization’s founder and CEO Ali Hanan, 89.5 percent of design directors are male and it affects brand’s identity.
In an interview with Dezeen, Ali Hanan stated that they are not attacking any of these brands personally, but they wanted to show a variety of examples to get people celebrating International Women’s Day and thinking about the need for more women.
This is not the only creative idea for International Women’s Day this year, we were already surprised by Barbie’s collection of 17 new dolls that portray inspiring women from all around the world, also check out how these cosplayers portrayed Disney princesses pursuing their dream professions in this inspiring photo shoot!
Scroll down to see how these iconic male mascots would look like if they were females!
More info: Creative Equals (h/t Dezeen)