Joe Giudice Defends Gia From RHONJ Attacks; Melissa Gorga Celebrates Self With Random Hype Video

February 22, 2021

Joe Giudice probably won't be appearing on The Real Housewives of New Jersey anytime soon, what with having been deported to Italy and all.

But when it comes to the drama surrounding the show, Joe is a bit like Michael Corleone in The Godfather II:

Every time he thinks he's out, they pull him back in!

This time, the conflict centers around Joe's eldest daughter, Gia Giudice.

The trouble began on the latest RHONJ season premiere, when Teresa alleged that Jackie Golschneider's husband, Evan Goldschneider, was having an affair.

Jackie was understandably not happy about the rumor Teresa was spreading, and she shot back with a hypothetical scenario.

“OK well you know what? I heard that Gia snorts coke in the bathroom at parties,” Jackie shouted during an argument with Teresa.

“I’ve heard it. I don’t know where I heard it, but I heard it from somebody. But it’s the same thing! How is that not the same thing?!”

Now, Jackie was attempting to make a point about how easy it is to start a damaging rumor.

But in doing so, she may have crossed a line by dragging Teresa's daughter into it.

Joe Giudice is understandably pissed off about the situation, but interestingly, his rage is directed not at Jackie, but at Melissa Gorga.

Melissa is Teresa's sister-in-law, but she's also a close friend of Jackie's, so the feud put her in an awkward position.

She eventually came out in defense of Gia, but Joe apparently thinks Melissa waited far too long to do so:

“I don’t need an aunt to defend my daughter six months later!” he said in a recent interview with Celebuzz.

“She should have known that it was a good time to talk when it happened! My family would have been on that lie when the incident happened. That’s what is true family is," Joe ranted from his home overseas.

“We don’t need auntie to step in six months later for a pay day! She defended Jackie for using a crooked analogy.”

Joe, Gia, Melissa

Melissa has not directly replied to Joe's accusation, but she has made it very clear that she's not the least bit bothered by it.

Ever the ego-maniac, Melissa posted a random self-promotional video to Instagram this week.

"It’s been a wild ride the last 11 years. One day I’m a 30 yr old 'real housewife' & then bam!" she captioned the clip.

"Life changed Grateful for all the opportunities & memories that I’ve gotten to make along the way. And soo grateful for all of YOU for always supporting and standing by! We’re not done yet baby!!!! Let’s gooo!!!!"

It's all pretty random, as Melissa doesn't appear to be promoting anything and 11 years isn't exactly a milestone anniversary.

But hey, sometimes you're just feeling yourself!

Anyway, the situation with Gia is so bad that Teresa's lawyer, James J. Leonard Jr., has issued a statement to Page Six.

“Jackie is a very smart woman, but what she did was incredibly stupid," he wrote.

"Analogy or not, you’re referencing a young woman and putting her name in a sentence that includes the mention of drugs on national television, knowing that is a false statement.”

Leonard continued:

“My understanding is that Jackie and Gia did communicate this week and Jackie apologized and I do believe her apology was sincere.

"Gia is an amazing young woman and both of her parents are very proud of her. This should have never happened."

Gia has now responded to the situation on Twitter, and needless to say, she's not happy about being called a cokehead on national television.

“Saying it was an analogy is making it excusable, it’s not. My character is now being questioned. My name was used to make a point," the college student tweeted.

"No one should be used in that way, I am suffering the consequences for such an outlandish and untrue statement. While her marriage is happy & in tact.”

Needless to say, it looks like this situation won't be resolved quickly or easily.

But hey, at least it's called more attention to Melissa's random hype video.

We guess that's a good thing.

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