Kelly Dodd Hasn't Been Re-Hired, Bravo Clarifies

February 26, 2021

An unconfirmed but very believable report claimed that Bravo was shaking up the RHOC cast.

The most obvious alleged decision was that Kelly Dodd would be fired.

Kelly saw the report but taunted RHOC fans with threats to return for Season 16.

Now, Bravo has been forced to clarify these alarming comments.

Contrary to how some fans conceive Andy Cohen, he is an executive producer and host -- not Emperor of Bravo.

However, Bravo spoke to Entertainment Tonight to clarify that Kelly Dodd has not been re-hired.

Specifically, the network says that they have not made any final decisions about Season 16's cast, nor have they sent out contracts.

On Tuesday of this week, Kelly Dodd mocked reports of her firing.

"It's actually kinda funny... I've heard these rumors every year for the last five years," she remarked in a tweet.

Kelly then threatened: "Looking forward to my sixth season #RHOC 16!"

Kelly Dodd tweet 23 Feb 2021 - firing rumors

Of course, these are bold claims from Kelly.

Positive Beverage already made the obvious choice to sever ties with the toxic Housewife.

Fans would be horrified, and the already intense boycott would increase, if Kelly remained with Bravo.

There is a misconception -- one seeming promoted by Kelly -- that the backlash against her is "political."

This is not the case. COVID-19 has been politicized, but it is not political.

Kelly's apparent fondness for disgraced former president Donald Trump is not why people want her fired.

Instead, Kelly spent so much of 2020 being pointless cruel and dangerously misinformed.

Kelly spread misinformation and told outright, provable lies about the pandemic.

She mocked the death toll and described this deadly virus, which has claimed more than half a million American lives, as "God's way of thinning the herd."

More than once, Kelly would offer some semblance of an apology, defend herself, and then continue her misbehavior.

She got into trouble on social media for sharing debunked anti-mask nonsense.

And sadly, Covidiocy was not Kelly's only wrongdoing in 2020.

Kelly defended monuments to white supremacists, even with Gina and Braunwyn both patiently explaining why she should not.

At the Reunion special, Kelly insisted that her "Drunk Wives Matter" hat was not offensive -- because her "Black friends" said so.

That classic defense of racism was so weak and obvious that even her rich, white castmates winced and grimaced.

This drama played out at the Reunion and, in bits and pieces, on the show.

But most of Kelly's inexcusable nonsense went down on social media, where everyone could see it.

As a result, there was already a boycott in place, among many bloggers as well as viewers, when RHOC premiered.

Season 15 was a disaster, particularly when it came to ratings.

We're sure that many at the network feel that COVID-19's impact upon filming is largely to blame.

However, a boycott focused upon the show because of Kelly Dodd cannot be ignored in this context.

If Kelly had chosen to offer an unreserved apology instead of becoming defensive at the Reunion, things might be different.

Instead, she continued to complain about masks using nonsensical analogies and accused Andy of being "anti-American" somehow.

It would be morally repugnant for Bravo to hire her. It's weird that it's taking them this long to announce that they've put her out to pasture.

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