Lady Gaga's Dogs: Found! But Are They Okay?!?

February 27, 2021

Lady Gaga can at last breathe a sigh of relief.

On Friday, February 26, the Los Angeles Police Department confirmed to NBC News and other outlets that the singer's dogs have been discovered.

According to these authorities, the canines were returned at approximately 6 p.m. yesterday after a woman brought the unharmed pets to the Olympic Community Police Station. 

Just two days earlier, an armed robber shot Lady Gaga's dog walker in the chest and actually took two of her French Bulldogs, Koji and Gustav.

Earlier on Friday, not long before receiving this good enws, the 34-year-old singer -- who was in Rome filming the forthcoming movie Gucci when the violent attack took place -- spoke out on social media with a statement.

It included a photo of the bulldogs and it opened:

"My beloved dogs Koji and Gustav were taken in Hollywood two nights ago. My heart is sick and I am praying my family will be whole again with an act of kindness."

lady dogs

"I will pay $500,000 for their safe return," Gaga continued, adding:

"Email to contact us. Or, if you bought or found them unknowingly, the reward is the same."

No word yet on whether the woman who brought the dogs in will be paid this amount.

Gaga also expressed gratitude to her dog walker on Friday, writing:

"I continue to love you Ryan Fischer, you risked your life to fight for our family. You're forever a hero."

Fischer's family, meanwhile, released a statement of their own on Friday, thanking his medical team for the "extraordinary care," as well as Lady Gaga for her ongoing support.

Read the message:

"We cannot possibly say enough to thank all of the first responders, nurses and doctors who have worked so tirelessly to care for Ryan.

"Of course, we also want to thank Lady Gaga who has shown nothing but non-stop love and concern for Ryan and our family right from the outset.

"Ryan loves Gustavo and Koji as much as Lady Gaga does; so we join in her plea for their safe return."

Los Angeles Police Captain Jonathan Tippet told journalists that Fischer was shot one time in the chest and is in stable condition in the hospital.

When asked if Fischer will make a full recovery, Tippet replied: "I believe he will."

Despite no suspects having yet been apprehended in this dognapping case, we're grateful this story mostly has a happy ending.

Are you ready for ALL the belly rubs, Koji and Gustav?

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