Ryan Edwards to Maci Bookout: Stop Lying! Let Me See My Son!

January 22, 2021

No matter how you feel about her, there's no denying that Maci Bookout is in a difficult position.

She wants to ensure that her eldest son, Bentley, has a relationship with his father -- but that's no easy feat when the kids dad is Ryan Edwards.

Edwards has struggled with addiction and been arrested numerous times, but none of that was enough for Maci to prevent Ryan from seeing his son.

Maci, Bentley, Ryan

It was only when Ryan's erratic behavior continued after he achieved "sobriety" that Maci felt the need to do something.

Last year, Teen Mom cameras caught Ryan bullying Bentley during a family golf outing.

Feeling that the boy had already been damaged enough by his father's reckless drug use (and suspecting that  Ryan was intoxicated at family events such as Bentley's birthday party), Maci made the decision to strip Ryan of visitation rights.

At one point, Maci had a restraining order against Ryan, so there was a time when he was not allowed to contact her at all.

Now, the restraining order has been lifted, but Maci still isn't allowing Ryan to see his son.

This tense state of affairs came up in a conversation between Ryan and his father, Larry Edwards, that was featured in a recent teaser for the upcoming season of Teen Mom 2.

"So you're technically allowed to reach out to Maci yourself, right?" Larry asked Ryan.

"Oh yeah, but I don't believe I will. Because she did an order of protection with about 30 lies last time," Ryan answered.

"I don't feel the need to speak to her and bring some of that back into my life again."

Ever the optimist, Larry attempted to put a positive spin on the situation by pointing out that he's now more compassionate to Ryan's plight.

"You know I never really thought about it like that, but it's kind of helped me to understand you and where you're at," he said.

"I would love to see him all the time but you know she's always got some crisis and I'm just tired of it. I miss him too," Ryan said of his estranged son.

From there, he blamed Maci for warping the boy's mind and turning Bentley against his father.

"It's pretty easy to convince children or to bend their minds how you want it," Ryan observed.

"I dont know what goes on over there [at Maci's house]. I have no idea."

It's really not all that easy to bend a kid's mind, especially as they begin to approach their teen years.

But we suppose Ryan doesn't really know his son all that well, and he might feel that he can't accept responsibility for the situation, especially when talking to Larry, who is clearly heartbroken by the loss of his son.

"Absolutely not. Would I say currently, or in a year or two? I don’t think so. I don’t believe that’s going to be possible," Larry said in a recent interview when asked if Ryan and Maci qill ever squash their beed.

"I would not say it’s impossible, but I wouldn’t bet on it," he added.

“Maybe Bentley will bring them together. I don’t know. I believe time heals a lot of things.”

Obviously, it shouldn't be Bentley's job to bring his parents together, but 

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