Justin Duggar and Claire Spivey: Secretly Getting Married THIS Weekend?

January 27, 2021

News of Justin Duggar and Claire Spivey's engagement broke just over two months ago, right as Justin turned 18.

But barely legal though he may be, the Duggars are not ones for long engagements.

This teenage dream of a wedding is coming sooner than many fans could imagine.

In fact, it looks like they're getting married in the next few days.

There is no question that preparations are underway for Justin and Claire's marital life together.

Jim Bob Duggar, who of course uses money to control his adult children, sold Justin a 3-bedroom mobile home on a 4-acre lot for $1.

In other words, it's a gift, everywhere except on financial documents.

But Justin and Claire aren't living there yet. Within the cult, they are not allowed to live together until they are married.

In fact, Justin himself cannot live there -- barring extraordinary circumstances, the Duggars of any age are not allowed to live alone until they are married.

Think that's weird for an 18-year-old like Justin? It's even weirder on 31-year-old Jana.

Many engagements last for years, or at least for one year.

But most engagements take place within mainstream society, among real adults -- not barely legal teens.

As Derick Dillard has plainly stated, the carrot that the Duggar cult dangles in front of its children to get them to marry at extremely young ages is sex.

Justin and Claire became engaged after only two months of official courting.

How long will they wait before their engagement becomes a marriage?

Fans think that they may be tying the knot this weekend, and they have some interesting evidence to back that up.

The Spivey family has been filtering into Arkansas in recent days.

Claire's mother, Hilary, shared video of her boys playing with Anna Duggar's kids.

(We would not personally recommend allowing anyone to spend time around Josh Duggar, so ... yikes)

It's not just that the Spivey's are in town.

Others from the Duggar family's social circle have traveled, on some cases from out of state, and just happen to also be in Arkansas.

First of all, yikes that they feel so free to travel in large groups and meet up during the pandemic. Second of all, are they in town for a wedding?

Here's something else that's interesting: cyber-sleuthing fans unearthed what appears to be a registry for Justin and Claire.

The wedding date on that registry is for February.

And that's not all.

As we previously reported, Justin and Claire also seem to have set their wedding date for this April.

Still a nonsensical time to marry during the pandemic, but at least a few months away.

Which registry is true? Well ... maybe neither.

The Duggars are known for spreading misinformation to mislead their fans, including fake wedding registries.

(We guess that the stuff that Paul wrote about lies and gossip in Corinthians 2 must have slipped Jim Bob's mind?)

They could be marrying in February. They could be marrying in April. Or both dates could be fake.

Our most recent look at Justin was after he had his wisdom teeth surgically removed.

But fans have speculated that this may have been an older picture, that Justin may have had the procedure weeks go.

If so, it could be intended to throw off fans ... so that Justin and Claire can marry when people's guards are down.

If this teen marriage goes down this weekend at the very end of January, it could be some time before they announce it to the world.

In fact, one of the registry dates -- if they are false flags -- could indicate when the Duggars will make the announcement.

It's hard to cheer for what's essentially a child marriage between two cult victims who have never known or been allowed to imagine another life, but ... congratulations to the soon-to-be-married couple?

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