
Twitter LOLs at Quillette Editor for Washing His Hair With Dog Shampoo

January 31, 2021

dog shampoo

Will straight men ever stop owning themselves on the internet? From publicly admitting their lack of sexual prowess to forcing bean-based survival lessons on their children to melting down over their awesome girlfriends, these men can’t help but make asses of themselves online.

The results are alternately hilarious and horrifying, as we the public simultaneously mock these dudes and pity the women and children in their lives. The latest entry into the “straight men are not okay” inventory comes courtesy of Quillette editor Jonathan Kay, who realized that he’s been washing his hair with dog shampoo for several months:

Kay criticized the smaller type on the bottle that reads “for pets”, but Twitter users quickly called him out for ignoring the PICTURE OF A DOG squarely on the bottle. Kay doubled down with this stunning leap of logic, tweeting “Lots of shampoos i used in the past have pictures of waterfalls, or people cleaning dishes, or gauzily drawn women frolicking in pastures, or dudes under waterfalls with chests provocatively projected outwards, or whatever.”

Oof magoof, where do I start? First off, if you’re using soap that features “people cleaning dishes” then congratulations, you’re shampooing your hair with Dawn. Second, I don’t know what shampoo Kay has been buying, but I have never and I mean NEVER seen a shampoo bottle that featured a bare-chested dude under a waterfall. Because if that shampoo existed, I would be using, AM I RIGHT LADIES? (I am not and would never).

Also, I’m baffled by the logistics of this. If you walk into any supermarket or drugstore, shampoo and conditioner is in its own section nowhere near pet supplies (where pet shampoo is shelved). You would have to go out of your way to grab dog shampoo thinking its human shampoo.

Now, an average Joe tweeting this mistake would be subject to jokes and mockery. But Jonathan Kay is no average Joe. The Quillette editor previously railed against “Identity-politics fundamentalists”, which led to him resigning as the editor of The Walrus.

Oh, another straight white man who feels censored by the centering of marginalized voices and mourns the death of “free speech” on an international platform?


Given his insufferable background, people were quick to dunk on Kay:

Looking forward to the inevitable think-piece from Kay on how getting mocked online is weaponized cancel culture.

(featured image: screencap)

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The post Twitter LOLs at Quillette Editor for Washing His Hair With Dog Shampoo first appeared on The Mary Sue.

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