Paul Staehle and Karine Martins to 90 Day Fiance Fans: HELP We Might Do a Home Birth!

January 22, 2021

Fans and haters alike have been keeping an eye on Paul Staehle, Karine Martins, and Karine's growing baby bump.

She looks about ready to burst ... but there's a huge problem.

Paul and Karine are currently in Brazil, one of the countries hardest-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

There are zero openings at any hospital, and that's not going to change. What are they going to do?

This week, Paul Staehle took to his Instagram Stories for an update on Karine's looming delivery date.

“Karine’s doctor just told us all private and public hospitals have no availability for births because of COVID-19,” Paul revealed to his fans and followers.

“So, if that’s true," he continued, "I guess it’s an in-apartment birth or back to the USA as quickly as possible.”

Paul Staehle IG brazil hospitals full, may birth at home, US

Paul updated fans by explaining that they "do not need any money" and are not seeking it from 90 Day Fiance viewers.

He says that they are, however, hoping to get recommendations for other birthing centers in their area.

Hospitals have entire wards for childbirth ... but right now, in Brazil, they are simply not availab.e

“Right now, we are not finding any hospitals with availability," Paul explained.

He added that this lack of availability is "because of [them] being converted into COVID-19 wards."

“Hospitals are very different right now," Paul acknowledged. "Everything is focused on COVID-19.”

Some fans assumed that Paul was lying or trying to stir up drama or "hype" for him and Karine to return to the US to give birth.

(Remember, Baby #2 will have American citizenship by virtue of Paul's American citizenship, no matter where he is born)

However, some are unaware that as devastating as the COVID-19 pandemic has been here in the US after a year of federal mismanagement, things are even more dire in Brazil.

Brazil's current government is run by fascist leader Jair Bolsonaro.

In addition to being an authoritarian bigot who targets indigenous communities in Brazil and is gleeful about destroying the rainforest, he is a profound Covidiot.

Americans might think to compare him to Donald Trump's malicious blundering, but Bolsonaro has publicly stated that the COVID-19 vaccine will turn people into crocodiles.

You know, if humanity had the technology to engineer a retrovirus that could transform a person into a crocodile, we could probably have cured COVID-19 in a week.

As it is, it took the entire world's medical community working nonstop on one single goal, and it still took most of 2020 for a viable vaccine to be found.

However, vaccine distribution

Right now, in America, more than 400,000 people have died from COVID.

And we all know that the numbers have been underestimated, as countless early COVID deaths were reported as "heart failure" by overwhelmed EMTs.

The Biden Administration did not inherit any sort of vaccine distribution plan from the disgraced former President, so now is working overtime to do what should have been done a year ago.

Well over 200,000 have died of COVID in Brazil, though the country has less than two-thirds of the US' population.

The government is said to be not helping hospitals treat COVID in any meaningful way, and so hospitals are scrambling just to make room for their patients.

Things have and will continue to be dire in many places in North America, but due to governmental malice, things are and continue to be even worse in Brazil.

Normally, fans would never recommend that someone give birth in America if another country is an option and American citizenship is already a thing.

In most developed countries, childbirth costs very little -- $20 in one country, $70 in another.

In the US, childbirth in a hospital can cost tens of thousands of dollars, which fewer and fewer families can afford given decades of wage stagnation and the ever-rising cost of living.

In this case, however, Paul and Karine might be better served giving birth very cautiously in the United States in an area where there is hospital space available.

Paul says that money is not a big worry right now (remember, Paul has found employment since the latest season of Happily Ever After?).

They might find a birthing center in Brazil ... but what if something goes wrong? With medical supplies scarce and hospitals overwhelmed, Karine or the baby could need a doctor's attention and be unable to get it.

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