Ashli Babbit: Family Defends Woman Killed During Capitol Riots

January 07, 2021

By now you're no doubt aware of the riots that took place at the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday.

The physical damage to one of the great symbols of American democracy pales in comparison to the devastating effect this act of terrorism will have on our nation's phyche and its reputation on the world stage.

But amazingly, only one person was killed during the melee.

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Her name was Ashli Babbit, and her decision to join up with the pro-Trump, anti-American mob proved fatal.

A resident of San Diego and a veteran of the United States Air Force, 35-year-old Babbit reportedly considered herself a patriot of the highest order.

But she died while engaging in a traitorous act of sedition against the country she claimed to love.

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News of the shooting came courtesy of D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert J. Contee III during a press conference on Wednesday.

"One Capitol police officer discharged his service weapon, striking an adult female," he said, adding that she died shortly after she arrived at the hospital.

Babbit's family says that she served with distinction during her time in the military and enjoyed top security clearance throughout much of her 14 years in the Air Force.

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“I really don’t know why she decided to do this,” said Babbit's mother-in-law.

Babbit's husband, whose name has not been revealed, was not with her during the riots.

Business records indicate that the couple operated a pool cleaning service together.

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Police say Babbit was shot inside the Capitol Building, and the fact that she advanced that far has been taken by many as an indication that she was among the more aggressive rioters.

In an email to the San Diego Union-Tribune, Babbit's ex-husband, Timothy McEntee described her as “a wonderful woman with a big heart and a strong mind.”

“I am in a state of shock and feel absolutely terrible for her family,” McEntee continued.

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“She loved America with all her heart. It’s truly a sad day.”

McEntee and Babbit met while serving overseas together.

He tells the Union-Tribune that he instantly recognized his ex-wife when he saw a graphic photo of the then-unidentified shooting victim online.

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“(I) immediately knew it was her but was unaware she was in town so I initially had doubts because she lives in California,” McEntee wrote.

“But (I) reached out to a friend and he said she was in town for the rally.”'

On social media, Babbit was initially mis-identified as Roberta Paulsen, a name that was later revealed to be a reference to the 1999 film Fight Club, which centers around the activities of a terrorist organization.

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Members of Babbit's family who have thus far spoken out say they had no idea of the extent ot her political extremism.

It's unclear how long Babbit has been flirting with the notion of violent opposition, but self-shot videos from as far back as 2017 show her ranting about conspiracy theories and the Democratic Party.

Our thoughts go out to Babbit's family during this painful time.

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