Ari Robinson, Accused Worst Cooks In America Killer, Also Auditioned for America's Got Talent

January 26, 2021

By now, perhaps you've heard about the awful case of Ari Robinson.

The winner of Worst Cooks In America Killer last summer, the reality star was arrested one week ago for the most grisly crime imaginable.

She and her husband are accused of killing their adopted three-year old daughter.

Specifically, Robinson was charged with homicide by child abuse and taken into custody at Greenville County Detention Center in South Carolina ... where she is being held without bond.

A few days before she was arrested, on January 14, a toddler named Victoria Rose Smith was found unconscious and then pronounced dead after being transported to a local hospital.

Greenville County senior deputy coroner Kent Dill said in a statement shortly afterward that the foster child living at the Robinson residence...

... while Ari implied on Instagram last year that she had adopted Victoria.

ari and fam

"This Christmas, my family was given the best news ever!! We are growing our family by 3!!!" wrote Robinson on December 25 as a caption to the photo above.

"We were chosen by the agency and called by God to take in 3 precious siblings who will be joining our family soon!

"Not everyone is called to adopt, but when you are, God will let it be known and order each step in a way that only He can do! He is so amazing!

"If you’ve been following our adoption story, last month we had a failed match. It was heartbreaking."

Ari R Pic

Three weeks after Robinson wrote this caption, she was accused of killing Victoria.

The incomprehensible crime also took place several months after Robinson took home the $25,000 grand prize for winning Season 20 of Worst Cooks In America Killer, a long-running competition on The Food Network.

“I wanted to win this so much for [my family], to give them a better life and things they never even imagined,” Robinson said on the Season 20 finale, adding back then:

“This is going to change our lives forever.”

All of this, sadly, we already knew. 

We just wanted to recap it now for those who are just finding out about the story.

According to an episode of Double A Shenanigans podcast, meanwhile, Robinson also tried out for America's Got Talent in late 2020.

This was a podcast that Ari hosted along with husband Jerry, and she talked last year about auditioning for the aforementioned NBC program as a stand-up comedian.

“I auditioned for "America’s Got Talent," Ari said on the episode, which was posted last month.

“I don’t know how much I can tell y’all. I don’t know if I got through, like all the way through yet. I don’t know yet if I’m going to LA to audition in front of the judges.

"But it’s going pretty well in the audition process right now…

"I've been talking to some producers and stuff…I’m allowed to tell people I auditioned but I think that’s pretty much what I can tell y’all."

robinson, art

At the time, Ari seemed confident that she would progress in the audition process.

“This is looking like the year that my dreams will come true!” she actually said on air.

Later in the episode, the couple delves into how they adopted Victoria and her siblings.

“We have three new babies. Last December we found out that we were approved and we were gonna be able to adopt all three of them,” Ari said.

“We were going to be able to bring them all back together because they were separated. The two boys were at one house and the girl [Victoria] was at another house.”

This is simply chilling to read now, in light of what has transpired.

Since her arrest, Ari’s teaching certificate has been suspended by the South Carolina Board of Education.

“The SCDE has reason to believe that, due to the serious nature of this allegation of misconduct, Ms. Robinson may pose a threat to the health, safety and welfare of students who may be under her instruction and that emergency action is required,” the suspension document reads.

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