
Who, What, When, Where & Why? KFC Sells Fire Log That Smells Like Chicken

December 14, 2018

KFC To Stop Using Trans Fats

Source: Justin Sullivan / Getty

Customers Were Completely Here For It

If you find yourself feening the smell of Kentucky Fried Chicken for the holidays, the Heavens have sent you an answer.

The fried food restaurant announced via Twitter on Thursday that they will be offering an 11 Herbs and Spices Firelog that can make your fire smell like a fresh bucket of fried chicken.


You can really buy fire logs from their website that will bring out the aromas of chickens for $18.99.

“Imbued with the unmistakable, mouth-watering aroma of Colonel Sanders’ secret recipe, the KFC 11 Herbs & Spices Firelog finally puts to rest the age-old dilemma, ‘How can I make this fire a hundred bajillion times better,'” the site said. “This one-of-a-kind firelog from Enviro-Log, a leading manufacturer of firelogs made of 100 percent recycled materials, is the result of countless hours of research and development, all done over the last couple of months since we had this idea. Pick up a firelog today, and you’ll be wondering how you were ever able to enjoy a fire that didn’t smell like fried chicken.”

Well, when you say it like that…


According to the site, the log will be able to burn for up to three hours. The site also warned that the fire log could “result in a craving for fried chicken.”

“We know the fire log smells great, but please do not attempt to eat it,” the site said.

They also said the log “may attract bears or neighbors who are hungry” and they warned not to “put face directly into fire in attempt to smell fried chicken.”

If you’re desperate enough to cop this fire log, unfortunately your luck might be running short.

According to the site, the log is completely SOLD OUT.

It’s some true chicken feens out there.

Stay healthy!

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