True Trolling: Khloe Kardashian Gets Obliterated For Seeking A ‘Biracial’ Baby Doll For Her Daughter

December 28, 2018

Khloe Kardashian

Source: FayesVision / WENN

Fair or foul???

Khloe Kardashian Gets Dragged For Biracial Babydoll Tweet

Khloe Kardashian is currently catching hell on social media over a tweet about a doll for her child. True Thompson’s mother is known for showing off her beautiful baby girl on social media…
Instagram Photo

and she recently asked fans for help finding her daughter a new toy. Khloe was perusing the web Thursday and complained that the dolls she’d found online were far too frightening for True.

She then said she wanted a biracial baby doll for the child she shares with Tristan Thompson.

“Anyone know what brand makes a sweet looking biracial baby doll? Nothing too life like. Those silicone babies really freak me out! Some look so real and some look 🤦🏼‍♀

Khloe, Khloe, Khloe…
That tweet caused a firestorm of fury on social media from moms and fans who wondered why Khloe wouldn’t just buy her child, a BLACK doll. Some took offense and accused Khloe of being afraid to embrace her daughter’s blackness while others thought the Kardashian was being wholly dense.

Ooop! Do people have a point here or is everyone just overreacting???

Khloe Kardashian

Source: FayesVision / WENN

See people drag Khloe over her biracial baby doll tweet on the flip.

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