GoFundMe Donors Refunded In $400K Homeless Scam

December 30, 2018

Homeless Man

Source: Punnarong Lotulit / EyeEm / Getty


GoFundMe Refunds Donors In Homeless Scam

The good people whose donations reached $400,000 for the fake benefit of a homeless are getting their money back. As previously reported New Jersey couple Katelyn McClure and her boyfriend Mark D’Amico are accused of conspiring with homeless man Johnny Bobbitt Jr. to steal thousands in a fake “feel good” story.

Prosecutors allege that the three concocted a feel-good story about Bobbitt giving McClure his last $20 when her car ran out of gas and used their $400,000 in GoFundMe donations on bags, trips and in casinos. Their plan went awry however when Bobbitt who received $75,000 of the $367,000 the couple got after taxes, complained about not getting enough money. He’s since sued his co-conspirators.

GoFundMe spokesman Bobby Whithorne said Tuesday that “all donors who contributed to this GoFundMe campaign have been fully refunded” and the organization is cooperating fully with law enforcement.”

“We have a zero tolerance policy for fraudulent behavior,” he said according to The Associated Press. “If fraud occurs, donors get refunded and we work with law enforcement officials to recover the money.”

A wise woman once said,”you never win when you play dirty.”

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