“Ready To Love” Reunion: Ashlee Talks About Alexx’s Battle With Brain Flu And Finding Something Real With Him

December 31, 2018

Ashlee Reveals Story Behind Alexx Blanks Hospitalization

This weekend the cast of OWN’s “Ready to Love” series, produced by Will Packer, reunited to revisit all the messiness of the season, but sadly one of the show’s three final bachelors, Alexx Blanks is still in dire straits after being hospitalized weeks ago for brain flu. If you watch the show you know Alexx initially had an instant connection with a woman named Tiffany on the show — but after struggling to fix their issues during the season, Alexx ultimately forged a stronger connection with another woman on the show named Ashlee by the finale. During the reunion Ashlee reveals how Alexx fell ill. We’re praying for him to pull through. If you missed the series while it was airing we can’t urge you strongly enough to go back and watch the episode on Demand or on the OWN website — it was a very interesting look at GROWN FOLKS dating in 2018. Two out of the three bachelors on the show made strong bonds by the end, and the third guy Aaron played himself pretty badly trying to get love from a bunch of ladies and ended up getting chewed out at the reunion by everyone.

Hit the flip for more clips from the reunion

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