#RHOA: Nene And Porsha’s Friendship EXPLODES, Spills Out On Instagram And The Internet Is Picking Sides
Nene vs. Porsha Goes Nuclear
Sunday night’s Real Housewives Of Atlanta turned into a complex a$$ episode of Game Of Thrones. It was hard trying to keep up with who was being the shadiest to whom all night. So let’s start:
Kandi, who is, for some reason, moderately obsessed with Porsha, did some digging on her man, Dennis and found out that he allegedly likes to buy women Rolexes and get their names tattooed on him – like he did Porsha. She told this news to Cynthia and Nene who urged her to not say anything to Porsha because it would come off wrong. Fast forward a few minutes and Porsha had heard about what Kandi did. How did she find out? Well, due to some nifty editing by the RHOA cameras and Porsha, it all came from Nene. Welp.
Nene knows that was editing! Everyone can see that was the last part of a sentence asked waay after the lunch even took place! They added it to make it seem like I confessed who told me. I never said Nene told me what Kandis said. I only said why nene felt it may be kept from me!
— Porsha Williams (@Porsha4real) December 3, 2018
Yep…. crazy the smallest of things makes “friends” give me they ass to kiss
— Porsha Williams (@Porsha4real) December 3, 2018
So the whole argument shifted from Porsha and Kandi to Porsha and Nene and it spilled all over IG. Hit the flip to see the fight and nasty words that got shared and peep all of the hilarious reactions from people picking a side.