La La Anthony Opens Up About “Ups And Downs” After Public Separation

December 13, 2018

Swizz Beatz Birthday Celebration

Source: Shareif Ziyadat / Getty

La La Anthony Talks About Rolling With The Punches After Tough Times

When it comes to celebrities, we don’t even try to hide it — we have our faves and La La Anthony is one of ’em for sure! One of the reasons why she’s tops in our book is that she always keeps a positive spin on things, take for example this recent interview she did with US Weekly where she talks about how having a good attitude helped her through tough times.

“I learned that life is filled with ups and downs and it’s just about how you react to them,” Anthony, 36, told Us Weekly on Tuesday, December 11, while discussing Lysol’s One Less Sick Day initiative to help prevent the spread of cold and flu in classrooms. “You can get down on yourself and just be like, ‘Oh, the world’s ending,’ and just, you know, really be hard on yourself, or you can say, ‘I’m not the first and I won’t be the last, this happens to people,’ you know, ups and downs, and you just gotta keep pushing forward. I proved to myself that I can overcome a lot of things that probably would have broken some people.”

She doesn’t get specific here, but it’s pretty obvious that she’s likely talking about the public separation from Melo last year and all the rumors that surrounded the longtime couple. Fortunately over the past few weeks things have been looking up for La La and Melo — they’ve been spotted several times together publicly looking very affectionate. Still when it comes to rougher times, La La says she just sharpens her focus.

“For me, I dive into Kiyan and work and I keep myself focused and keep going,” she explained to Us on Tuesday.

La La also talked about her holiday plans and said she expects to be surrounded by family and spend some quality time at home with her loved ones.

“We’ll probably be here in New York … I love the holidays here in New York and just excited to take some time off and just be together, watch TV, watch movies and just kinda chill out … I have a big family, so everybody’s always together cooking Spanish food and just having fun. It’s so many of us, we just all love to be on top of each other. It’s literally one house with like 30 Puerto Ricans inside.”

We love you La!

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